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Florastor Safety Warning:
Do not use Florastor or other probiotics in any ICU setting and in those individuals with open arterial and venous access required (such as a Vascath, Permcath, or AV fistula).
Do not use for any individual with a central line or port or in the surroundings of any patient with a central line or port. [Central lines include short- and long-term central venous catheters (CVCs) and peripherally inserted central catheters (PICCs)]
Do not use Florastor for pre- or post- organ or bone marrow transplant patients and other patients considered severely immunocompromised or critically ill.
Do not use Florastor probiotics if allergic to any components (especially yeast).
Very rarely, side effects such as: allergic reaction (skin rash). Fungemia or sepsis in patients with a central venous catheter, and in hospitalized, immunocompromised patients may occur.
For product questions or to report an adverse event, please call (877) 356-7787.